Tampereella lokakuussa järjestettävä Musiikki & Media on Suomen johtava musiikkialan ammattilaisille räätälöity tapahtuma, joka koostuu seminaareista, showcase-keikoista ja Industry Awards -gaalasta.
30-vuotisjuhlavuottaan tänä vuonna viettävä Musiikki & Media koostuu Tampere-talossa pidettävistä seminaareista, puheenvuoroista, työpajoista, Lost in Music -klubifestivaalista ja Industry Awards -gaalasta. Music Finland on yksi Musiikki & Median kumppaneista tuottaen tapahtuman puheohjelman kansainvälisen osuuden ja tuoden Tampereelle joukon kansainvälisiä musiikkialan ammattilaisia. Katso täältä Musiikki & Median koko seminaariohjelma.
Rekisteröidy tapahtumaan Musiikki & Median sivuilla.
Music Finland järjestää keskiviikkona 18. syyskuuta klo 14:30-15:15 toimistollamme Urho Kekkosen kadulla Musiikki & Media -infotilaisuuden, jossa esitellään tulevan tapahtuman kansainvälisiä sisältöjä ja kansainväliset kutsuvieraat.
Ilmoittaudu Musiikki & Media -infotilaisuuteen viimeistään perjantaina 13.9. tämän linkin kautta.
Musiikki & Mediassa laaja taidemusiikkiaiheinen seminaariohjelma
Osana Musiikki & Mediaa järjestetään tänä vuonna ensimmäistä kertaa myös taidemusiikkiaiheista seminaariohjelmaa. Paneelikeskusteluissa ja puheenvuoroissa paneudutaan siihen, mitä kansainvälistyminen merkitsee taidemusiikkikentän eri toimijoille, miksi orkesterit kiertävät ja miltä näyttää taidemusiikkiviennin tulevaisuus. Lydia Connollyn (HarrisonParrott) vetämässä Equality on the Podium -paneelikeskustelussa ruoditaan tasa-arvon tilaa kapellimestareiden työssä. Lydian lisäksi HarrisonParrott-agentuurista Musiikki & Mediaan saapuu puhumaan useiden orkestereiden kansainvälisistä kiertueista vastaava Viola Frankenfeld, jota on mahdollista tavata myös kahdenkeskisissä mentorointitapaamisissa.
Taidemusiikin seminaariohjelman suomalaispuhujia ovat mm. kapellimestari Anna-Maria Helsing, muusikot Paavali Jumppanen, Minna Pensola ja Aapo Häkkinen sekä orkesteri- ja yhtyekenttää edustavat Aleksi Malmberg, Juha Ahonen, Heidi Kuusava ja Helena Hiilivirta.
Taidemusiikkiohjelma painottuu perjantaille 4.10., mutta Musiikki & Mediasta saa genrestä riippumatta eniten irti osallistumalla koko tapahtumaan 3.–4.10. Lisätietoja tapahtumasta ja ohjelmasta sekä linkki rekisteröitymiseen löytyvät Musiikki & Median omilta sivuilta.
Taidemusiikin ammattilaisten on mahdollista rekisteröityä Musiikki & Mediaan alennetulla tutustumishinnalla. Alennetut rekisteröitymishinnat ovat 295 € + ALV (Basic) ja 395 € + ALV (Gold). Alennuskoodin saadaksesi ota yhteyttä Tuuli Eloon (tuuli.elo@musicfinland.fi). Myös Viola Frankenfeldin tapaamisaikoja voi kysyä Tuulilta.
Musiikki & Median kansainväliset vieraat
Music Finland tuo juhlavuoden Musiikki & Mediaan kaiken kaikkiaan toistakymmentä musiikin ja visuaalisen median ammattilaista. Ensimmäisiin julkistettuihin huippuvierasiin kuuluvat Sony Musicin puheenjohtajana Euroopan ja Afrikan markkina-alueilla toimiva Daniel Lieberberg sekä Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Groupin luova johtaja Diane Quinn.
Musiikin synkronointiin keskittyvän ohjelmakokonaisuuden vieraita ovat Natasha Duprey (Must Be Nice), Rick Singer (Zync), Milena Fessman (Cinesong, Sugar Town Filmproduction), Chris Pattinson (Media Arts Lab), Samuel Diaz (CBS), Mike Jansen (Greater Goods), Jesper Gadeberg, Kate Young (Soho Music), Chandler Poling (White Bear PR) ja Jeff Jernigan (Kraft-Engel Management). Nämä musiikin synkronoinnin ja elokuvamusiikin ammattilaiset puhuvat lokakuussa Tampereella mm. synkronoinnin promoarvosta, AV-tuotantojen musiikillisesta tarinankerronnasta, musiikin ja mainosten suhteesta, musiikin lisensoinnin ja budjetoinnin välisestä tasapainosta sekä siitä, miten oman biisinsä saa osaksi hittituotantoa.
Kaikki kansainväliset vieraat:
Musiikin synkronointi ja elokuvamusiikki:
- Samuel Diaz, Yhdysvallat (Music Supervisor / televisiotuotannot, CBS)
- Natasha Duprey, Kanada (Music Supervisor, Must Be Nice Productions)
- Milena Fessman, Saksa (Music Supervisor / elokuvat, CINESONG)
- Jesper Gadeberg, Tanska (Music Stylist, freelance)
- Mike Jansen, Yhdysvallat (Sync Agent, Greater Goods)
- Chris Pattinson, Iso-Britannia (Music Supervisor / mainokset, Media Arts Lab / Apple)
- Rick Singer, Yhdysvallat (Director of A&R and Digital Strategy, Zync)
- Kate Young, Iso-Britannia (Music Supervisor, Soho Music)
- Chandler Poling, Yhdysvallat (Tiedottaja, White Bear PR)
- Jeff Jernigan, Yhdysvallat (Agentti, Karft-Engel Management)
- Luis Alvarenga, Yhdysvallat (COO/Co-Founder, AISA)
- My Bergman, Ruotsi (Agentti, Blixten & co)
- Mel Brown, Iso-Britannia (Owner, Impressive PR Ltd)
- Leonidas Chantzaras, Saksa (A&R-manageri, Universal Music)
- Mariana "Malfi" Dorantes, Meksiko (General Manager, MalfiCo)
- Oskar Ekman, Ruotsi (Founder/owner, manager for Viagra Boys, Year0001)
- David Fricke, Yhdysvallat (Journalisti, SiriusXM, Rolling Stone, Mojo)
- Francine Gorman, Iso-Britannia (Project coordinator, Ja Ja Ja Music)
- Nikita Lavrinenko, Saksa (Promoottori, Paper And Iron)
- Daniel Lieberberg, Saksa (President, Sony Music)
- Steven Matrick, Yhdysvallat (Talent buyer for Pianos NYC, manager for A Place to Bury Strangers, Kepler Events)
- Erika McRoy, Ruotsi (Head of Artist & Label Marketing Nordics, Spotify)
- Robert Meijerink, Hollanti (Promoottori, Eurosonic)
- Ricardo Gomez Espinosa Mireles, Meksiko (Promoottori, ohjelmavastaava, Ocesa)
- Marie-Christine Scheffold, Saksa (Agentti, Selective Artists)
- Elizabeth "Liz" Snair, Yhdysvallat (Vice president, label management, The Orchard)
- Lydia Connolly, Iso-Britannia (Director, Harrison Parrott)
- Viola Frankenfeld, Iso-Britannia (Associate Director: Tours and Projects, Harrison Parrott)
Musiikin synkronointi ja elokuvamusiikki:
Musiikki & Median kansainväliset vieraat
Daniel Lieberberg
"The Frankfurt/Main born music executive started his career as a booker and talent buyer while still at University studying literature, history, and politics. At Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur he worked with artists like the Fugees, Weezer, Alanis Morissette, Faithless, and Linkin Park and was responsible for booking Germany’s biggest festivals Rock am Ring/Rock im Park. Parallel to his role at Germany’s leading concert promoter he started a label and publishing business as a joint venture with BMG which he abandoned in 2002 to join Universal Music in Berlin. Quickly expanding his responsibilities Lieberberg took over the domestic Vertigo label in 2008 as label head which soon became the # 1 record company in the market. In 2011 he became a member of the Management Team of Universal Music Germany. In 2014 he extended his responsibilities and became Senior Vice President of Vertigo/Capitol & Polydor/Island overlooking Universal’s domestic business in Berlin. Under his leadership numerous local and international artists were signed to direct deals to the German company including Lana del Rey, Volbeat, Gotye, Chvrches, Dua Lipa, Aloe Blacc, Lindsey Stirling, Haim, Andreas Bourani, Unheilig, Kraftklub, KIZ, Felix Jaehn, Alma and Scottish Newcomer Lewis Capaldi. Daniel Lieberberg has been named President, Continental Europe and Africa, Sony Music Entertainment in January 2018."
Natasha Duprey
Natasha Duprey (Music Supervisor, Must Be Nice) on palkittu musiikkipäällikkö ja kanadalaisen Guild of Music Supervisorsin varatoimitusjohtaja. Vancouverissa työskentelevä Duprey edustaa Pohjois-Amerikan toiseksi suurinta elokuva-alaa, joka jää toiseksi vain Los Angelesin markkinoille. Hän on valinnut vuodesta 2003 alkaen satoja tunteja musiikkia mm. The Terrorin (AMC), Snowpiercerin (TBS), The Orderin (Netflix) ja L-koodin (Showtime) taustalle. Dupreyn ansioluettelosta löytyy myös dokumentteja, kuten I Am Johnny Cash ja neliosainen PUNK!-sarja, reality-sarjoja, mainoskampanjoita sekä pitkiä elokuvia kuten Kyra Sedgwickin esikoisohjaus Story Of A Girl ja Frankie & Alice, joka toi Halle Berrylle Golden Globe -ehdokkuuden.
"Natasha Duprey (Music Supervisor, Must Be Nice) is an award-winning music supervisor and VP of the Canadian Guild of Music Supervisors. She hails from Vancouver Canada, the second largest film industry in North America – second only to Los Angeles. Since 2003 she has supervised hundreds of hours of episodic television including the series The Terror (AMC), Snowpiercer (TBS), The Order (Netflix) and The L Word (Showtime). She has also worked on a host of movies of the week, documentaries such as I Am Johnny Cash and the 4-part series PUNK!, reality series, national ad campaigns and feature films such as Frankie & Alice which garnered Halle Berry a Golden Globe nomination and Kyra Sedgwick’s directorial debut Story Of A Girl."
Mike Jansen
"As owner of Greater Goods Co., Mike Jansen has worked hard to champion independent music in sync licensing for over 7 years. Starting in Toronto and eventually relocating to Los Angeles, Greater Goods has represented a carefully curated roster of artists that has included Diplo, Moby, Nas, Run The Jewels, A Tribe Called Red, Yuna, Wavves, and BADBADNOTGOOD. Their placement list features campaigns for Apple, Nike, Adidas, Google, VW, Sprite, Budweiser, and Samsung, as well as spots in Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Orange Is The New Black, Baby Driver, and FIFA."
Samuel Diaz
"An industry professional for over 20 years, Samuel Diaz (Director of Music Supervision, CBS Television Studios) works as in-house music supervisor for NCIS, Blue Bloods, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Happy Together, Salvation, Blood & Treasure and NCIS: New Orleans. Working on NCIS since its inception, the show remains the #1 drama in the United States.
Prior to CBS, he was the in-house music supervisor at Paramount Television working on such series as Frasier, the Star Trek franchise, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, JAG and many other productions."
Chris Pattinson
"Chris Pattinson is Media Arts Lab’s European Director of Music. He is responsible for Apple’s origination work across EMEA where he works with a small creative team to deliver bespoke campaigns for local and global work.
In the past 10 years, Chris has worked in various areas of the music world, most notably setting up the award winning Black Cab Sessions. Here he curated the musical output for the world famous website, working with artists from Jack White, Brian Wilson, Solange and Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil."
Jesper Gadeberg
"Award winning 'music stylist' Jesper Gadeberg is Copenhagen based is working as a music supervisor in advertising & prefers to be where the good creative ideas are being developed. Having worked for directors such as Michel Gondry, Martin Werner, TRAKTOR & Martin De Thurah and many others. He has won for ‘best use of music’ for his ideas at various advertising festivals including winning the Music + Sound Award 2019 in the ‘Best Sync – Broadcast advertising’ category for EnBW. Also judging at various advertising festivals. Speaker at Midem – ESNS & Cannes Lions on how to get your music placed in advertising. Also used as a source for articles published in The Huffington Post."
Rick Singer
Michiganissa kasvanut, Coloradossa opiskellut ja Los Angelesissa uransa luonut Rick Singer on A&R:n ja digitaalisten strategioiden johtaja musiikkilisensoinnin ja -julkaisujen sulatusuunissa Zyncissä. Yritys on erikoistunut mainostuotantojen, elokuvien, trailereiden, televisio-ohjelmien ja pelien musiikkivalintoihin. Zyncin edustamiin lahjakkuuksiin kuuluvat mm. Alabama Shakes, Bassnectar, Jim James, ODESZA, Sleigh Bells, Sofi Tukker, The Heavy, Toro y Moi, Tune-Yards ja vōx.
Singer työskentelee yhdessä täydellistä biisiä metsästävien musiikkipäälliköiden kanssa. Hän on osa yrityksen A&R-tiimiä ja vastaa Zyncin digitaalisesta näkyvyydestä. Signer pyrkii työllään auttamaan edustamiaan artisteja ja säveltäjiä menestymään musiikillaan taloudellisesti ja lisäämään erityisesti musiikin synkronoinnista saatavia tuloja. Hän on tehnyt onnistuneita diilejä mm. Coca-Colan, Microsoftin, MLB & NHL Networksin, Ubisoftin ja Riot Gamesin kanssa sekä saattanut oikeita biisejä paikalleen useisiin elokuviin ja tv-sarjoihin, kuten The Fate of the Furious, Silicon Valley, Workaholics ja This Is Us.
"Raised in Michigan, educated in Colorado and groomed in Los Angeles, Rick Singer is the Director of A&R and Digital Strategy at Zync – a music licensing powerhouse and publisher specializing in synch for advertising, film, trailers, television and games. Zync represents a uniquely talented roster which includes Alabama Shakes, Bassnectar, Jim James, ODESZA, Sleigh Bells, Sofi Tukker, The Heavy, Toro y Moi, Tune-Yards and vōx.
Rick works closely with music supervisors to ease the creative detective work in their hunt for the perfect songs. He’s a key member of the company’s A&R squad and directs Zync’s digital presence. Helping artists to supplement their earnings with synch income is what Rick finds most rewarding and assisting in their achievement of financial success is his mission. He's landed placements with Coca-Cola, Microsoft, MLB & NHL Networks, Ubisoft, Riot Games, and in The Fate of the Furious, Silicon Valley, Workaholics and This Is Us."
Milena Fessmann
Milena Fessmann on saksalainen musiikkipäällikkö, elokuvatuottaja ja radio-dj, joka on perustanut sekä Cinesongin että Sugar Town Filmproduction -tuotantoyhtiön. Hänellä on laaja kokemus tällä hetkellä erityisen suosituista musiikkidokumenteista. Fessmann opettaa muun uransa ohella musiikin synkronointiin ja lisensointiin sekä tekijänoikeuksiin liittyviä kursseja elokuvakouluissa, kuten Berliinin DFFB:ssä, ja toimii World Soundtrack Academyn johtokunnassa.
Vuodesta 1991 alkaen Fessmann on tehnyt täysipäiväisiä dj:n töitä useilla radiokanavilla. Hän saapuu Tampereelle jakamaan kokemuksiaan musiikkipäällikön näkökulmasta muun muassa musiikkidokumenteista sekä musiikkioikeuksista ja niiden budjeteista.
"Milena Fessmann is a German based music supervisor, film producer and radio DJ. She is the founder of Cinesong and a film production company called Sugar Town Filmproduction Gmbh & Co.kg. She teaches music supervising and copyright clearing at film schools such as DFFB Berlin and is an advisory board member of the World Soundtrack Academy. Since 1991, Milena Fessmann has worked as a full-time DJ and has worked for various radio stations. Milena will be heading to Tampere to share her expertise on music rights and budget balance and music documentaries, among other themes.
Lydia Connolly
Lydia Connolly on työskennellyt johtotehtävissä klassiseen musiikkiin erikoistuneessa HarrisonParrott -manageritoimistossa vuodesta 1991. Hän toimii lukuisten maailmanlaajuisesti arvostettujen muusikkojen, kapellimestarien ja säveltäjien managerina. Nuoruudessaan hän oli Iso-Britannian kansallisen nuoriso-orkesterin jäsen ja opiskeli ensimmäisenä naisena Oxfordissa toimivassa New College -oppilaitoksessa. Hän on valmistunut viulunsoiton lisensiaatiksi Royal Academy of Musicista, ja hänellä on strategisen johtamisen tutkinto Oxfordin Saïd Business Schoolista. Connolly on IAMA Broadcasting and Media -komitean pitkäaikainen jäsen. Tällä hetkellä hän johtaa tasa-arvoa edistäviä ja syrjimiseen puuttuvia hankkeita HarrisonParrottilla ollen samalla HarrisonParrott-säätiön edunvalvoja. Lydia Connolly on osallistunut puhujana moniin musiikkialan konferensseihin, mukaan lukien IAMA, ABO, Women in Music, Southbank Centre, Institut Francais ja Classical:NEXT sekä vetänyt kansainvälisiä seminaareja ja työpajoja nuorille muusikoille ja muille musiikkialan ammattilaisille.
"Lydia Connolly has been a Director of HarrisonParrott since 1991 and is the worldwide general manager for a prestigious roster of instrumentalists, conductors and composers. A member of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain during her teens, she was the first woman to read Music as an undergraduate at New College, Oxford - during which period she also qualified as a Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music (violin). More recently she completed the Strategic Leadership Programme at Saïd Business School, Oxford. She is a long-standing member of the IAMA Broadcasting and Media Committee and also leads on equality and inclusivity initiatives within HarrisonParrott, including as a Trustee of the HP Foundation. She has been a panellist at various industry conferences including IAMA, ABO, Women in Music, Southbank Centre, Institut Francais, Classical:NEXT - and has additionally been invited to lead seminars and workshops internationally with a range of industry professionals, including young performers."
Viola Frankenfeld
Saksalaissyntyinen Viola Frankenfeld on valmistunut Münsterin yliopistosta pääaineenaan psykologia. Klassinen musiikki on aina ollut tärkeä osa hänen elämäänsä, ja hän aloitti uransa musiikkialalla alun perin konserttipromoottorina 1990-luvun lopulla. 2000-luvun alun hän työskenteli ensin orkesterikiertueosastolla IMG Artists -manageritoimistossa Lontoossa ja sittemmin Andreas Schesslin menestyksekkäässä MünchenMusik -yhtiössä Münchenissä. Lontoolaisen HarrisonParrott -agentuurin kiertue- ja projektiosaston apulaisjohtajana hän on työskennellyt nyt kahdeksan vuotta. Työssään hän on kiertänyt ympäri maailmaa kansainvälisten orkestereiden kanssa, joiden joukossa on ollut lukuisia orkestereita Pohjoismaista sekä maailmankuuluja kapellimestareita ja solisteja. Viola myös konsultoi sinfoniaorkestereita kansainväliseen näkyvyyteen, kiertuestrategiaan ja brändiin liittyvissä asioissa. Vapaa-ajallaan hän viihtyy perheensä luona Münchenissä. Hän on innokas purjehtia ja hiihtäjä, joka nauttii vuoristossa vaeltamisesta sekä hyvästä ruuasta ja viinistä.
"Viola Frankenfeld is the Associate Director Tours & Projects at Harrison Parrott. Born in Germany, Viola completed a degree in psychology at University of Münster. With classical music always having been an important part of her life, she decided to start working for a concert promoter in the late nineties and gained her initial experience. In 2001 she moved to London, to work in the orchestral touring department at IMG Artists, returning to Germany in 2004 to join Andreas Schessl’s successful company MünchenMusik in Munich. 8 years ago, Viola joined HarrisonParrott to become an Associate Director in the Tours & Projects department. Since then, she has been touring all around the world with international orchestras, amongst them a large number of Scandinavian orchestras, and world-renowned conductors and instrumentalists. Viola is also leading consultancies for symphony orchestras, where the main areas are the orchestra’s international presence, touring strategy, as well as international branding. If not on tour or visiting the London office, Viola lives in Munich with her family. She is a keen sailor and skier, likes to hike in the mountains and enjoys fine food and wines."
David Fricke
"David Fricke has written about music for more than four decades for publications including Rolling Stone, MOJO, Musician and the British weekly Melody Maker. He is the host of The Writer's Blockon Sirius XM Radio, a Grammy-nominated writer of album liner notes and a three-time winner of the ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music journalism."
Robert Meijerink
"Robert Meijenrik is head of program and booker of Eurosonic Noorderslag, the European conference & showcase platform in Groningen, the Netherlands. ESNS is the key exchange and network platform for European Music and the one and only 100% showcase event in Europe, focused on emerging acts from Europe. Selling out each year, ESNS attracts over 4000 delegates, including more than 400 international festivals and venues. During four nights, around 400 acts get the chance to present themselves to an international audience of professionals, media and music lovers. By the day, the Conference takes place featuring around 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, workshops, dinners, pitches and meetings on the latest developments in the international music, media, production industry. Robert lives in Nijmegen and besides his work for ESNS, he is also booker at Doornroosje, a venue in Nijmegen. He books venues from 200 cap until 1800 cap and various festivals such as Valkhof Festival."
Mariana "Malfi" Dorantes
"Music Publicist Malfi Dorantes is in charge of MalfiCo, the first press agency in Mexico that specializes in music, formed 7 years ago. Over the years, MalfiCo has collaborated with various nordic bands, working to amplify their presence and expand their audience in Mexico. She is also a Communications professor and has worked as a Journalist and Music Photographer for numerous publications. She is also a partner in NODO, a mexican music advisory office in charge of operating trade missions for various music exchange organizations."
Chandler Poling
"Chandler Poling is the Co-Founder of White Bear PR, a Public Relations firm specializing in Publicity for Composers, Songwriters, Music Supervisors, and Film & Music Festivals around the world. Throughout his career, Chandler has run successful Oscar, Golden Globe, Grammy, BAFTA and Emmy campaigns securing nominations and wins for his clients. His clients have been featured in national and international publications, such as Time Magazine, Vanity Fair, New York Times, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, The Guardian, LA Times, and Rolling Stone Magazine to name just a few. He created the first ever composer-focused panel at Comic-Con San Diego, the World’s Largest Pop Culture Convention. These panels are now an ongoing tradition – a platform for composers to discuss their craft and meet their fans. In addition to producing and moderating panels, Chandler has been invited to give lectures on PR for Composers at Berklee College of Music, Royal College of Music, NYU, USC, and internationally in Prague, Amsterdam, Vienna, Krakow, Cologne, Ghent, and others. He is proud to be part of the founding leadership of The Alliance for Women Film Composers and an advisory board member for the World Soundtrack Academy."
Marie-Christine Scheffold
"Marie-Christine Scheffold took the step from very frequent concert goer and music collector to the professional side of the business in 2014. She moved to Berlin and worked at Universal Music Germany in Print & Online Promotion. After 9 months at the major label, she decided to look into the live business and started working at Landstreicher Booking where she did her degree as an event manager. Since spring 2017 she works as an agent and promoter and joined the Selective Artists team in early 2019. Her current roster offers a variety of artists from singer-songwriter, to electronic music, crossing soul and electric guitars like Sofi Tukker, Flora Cash, RaRaRiot, WILDES, Pom Poko or Máni Orrason. As a young female in the music industry, she strives for diversity not only in her work environment but also in her roster and is always looking for fresh artists with a twist."
Luis Alvarenga
"Combining over 25 years of Label/Artist Management, Branding, Digital/Physical Distribution, Marketing, Retail & Sales led me to Co-Found All Independent Service Alliance (AISA) with offices in London, NYC, Switzerland and Norway. Having worked for such labels as Southern Lord, Prosthetic, Despotz and Spinefarm Records."
Leonidas Chantzaras
"Leonidas Chantzaras (A&R, Universal Music) started his career in the Music Industry as an artist signed for two labels and releasing several records with his Band Alliance and as a solo artist. Shortly after he became a professional songwriter and producer with a string of Gold and Platinum releases around the world. He continued his career as a manager and Independent Publisher until he joined Imagem Music in 2014 as their senior A&R Germany and Senior International A&R responsible for the worldwide roster. Imagem was back then the biggest Indie Publisher in the world and the home of Daft Punk, Mark Ronson, Phil Collins etc. In 2018 he joined Universal Music as their senior A&R Manager for the labels Polydor and Island."
Liz Snair
"Liz Snair is the Vice President of North American Label Management at The Orchard, the industry’s leading independent music distribution and label services company operating in 40+ territories worldwide. Based in New York, Liz oversees the team that liaises directly with labels and artists on strategy, release setups, sales and analytics, accounting, and more. Prior to joining The Orchard in 2017, Liz was Vice President of Label Management at RED Distribution. Liz joined Sony in 2003, holding various positions throughout her career in both label management and sales."
Nikita Lavrinenko
"Owner & agent at Paper and Iron Booking Co. Founded in 2005 and based in Berlin, Germany, the agency looks after the live performances of artists such as Angel Olsen, Weyes Blood, Ryley Walker, Jenny Hval, Rodrigo Amarante, Matmos and more in Europe/UK and sometimes beyond."
My Bergman
"My has been working at Blixten & Co for 5 years and before that has had her own booking agency and worked at Albot & Albot management. At Blixten My represents a range of artists and bands. Amongst them she works with Pale Honey, Linn Koch-Emmery, Vita Bergen, Herbert Munkhammar and Timo Räisänen."
Oskar Ekman
"Oskar Ekman (CEO and Co-Founder at YEAR0001) is a punk enthusiast and veteran in the Swedish live music industry, who has managed and advised some of the Nordics most successful and largest artists for over 15 years and now active in bridging and innovating the voids of the creative music industry."
Francine Gorman
"Francine Gorman is the Project Manager of the Ja Ja Ja Nordic concert series, as well as a writer and music consultant based in London, England. Starting out as a music journalist at Paris-based magazine Les Inrockuptibles, Francine has since worked with new music website The Line of Best Fit, music video platform Vevo and is currently a consultant across various sectors of the music industry. Francine is the Project Manager of Ja Ja Ja – a showcasing platform operated through the Nordic Music Export, presenting emerging Nordic talent to audiences in London and Berlin on a monthly basis. She is also a consultant for the worldwide Keychange gender equality project, and a Nordic consultant for streaming service Deezer.
Steven Matrick
"Steven Matrick is owner of artist management company Kepler Events and talent buyer at Pianos on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Kepler Events has managed Brooklyn Noise Rock band A Place to Bury Strangers for the past 10 years and more recently Brooklyn indie rock band Total Slacker and the incredibly talented up and comer Pom Pom Squad. Former Clients include Hooray for Earth, Shilpa Ray, the Death Set, the Hood Internet, RX, etc. Steven has also been head talent buyer at Pianos for the past seven years. Pianos is Manhattan's preeminent indie rock venue where bands such as Passion Pit, Courtney Barnett, SZA, Car Seat Headrest, Imagine Dragons, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Tame Impala, St. Lucia, Hundred Waters and many many more have played some of their first shows in NYC. Steven is one of the founders of the New Colossus Festival, a 3 day music festival the week before SXSW at 6 independent music venues on the Lower East Side, Prior to this, Steven worked for the Michael Lang Organization, a concert production company owned by Woodstock Promoter Michael Lang where he worked on many and various projects such as Woodstock '99, Amsterjam, management of Turkish Pop Sensation Tarkan and tour production for artists such as the Fugees, Lauryn Hill, etc."
Mel Brown
"Mel Brown started the office Impressive PR over 21 years ago and has worked in music PR since 1988 cutting her teeth at major labels like Sony and Arista BMG, as well as a couple of independent PR companies, before setting up her own company. Impressive has a core team of 5 senior staff that are experienced specialists in the two company divisions music and entertainment. The company has worked with, and broken numerous diverse array of artists over the years in the UK market that include Muse, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Rick Astley, Kim Wilde, The Human League, Kraftwerk, Blue, De La Soul and many many more. They are also experienced and passionate about breaking new acts into our market from all over the world. Current acts include Juiceboxxx (USA), The Magnettes (Sweden), Jett Rebel (The Netherlands), Yes We Mystic (Canada) and Cousin Tony’s Brand New Firebird (Australia)."
Jeff Jernigan
"Jeff Jernigan is an agent as Kraft Engel Management - one of the world’s leading agencies specializing in represent film, theatre, television and interactive composers & music supervisors. His clients include Michael Abels, Roque Baños, Lesley Barber, Disasterpeace, Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, Steven Gizicki and more. Jeff is also an associate producer of Elsie Fest, an annual music festival in New York featuring stars and songs of the stage and screen. Prior to joining Kraft Engel, Jeff was former director of ASCAP’s Film & TV music department, representing top composers and songwriters in film, theater, television, and new media, providing them with career development services and support. Throughout his career, Jeff has worked hard on cultivating relationships and championing his clients. His knowledge and genuine passion for the industry is what makes him a true advocate for music creators."
Ricardo Gomez Espinosa Mireles
"Born and raised in Mexico City, Mireles was drawn to music at an early age as an aspiring progressive rock drummer. During high school he used to organize shows and parties where his band could play at. He eventually got better as a concert promoter than a drummer, so in 2007 he decided to go to Berklee College of Music to pursue a double degree in Music Business and Contemporary Music Production. Mireles graduated in 2011 and headed back to Mexico City and took a job as a booking assistant at Plaza Condesa, a club owned and operated by OCESA, the biggest concert promoter in Latin America. He now books and promotes three yearly festivals: Corona Capital Mexico City, Corona Capital Guadalajara and Domination Festival, as well as multiple headline shows of international artists across Mexico. Mireles is also part of the company’s Executive Promoters committee, as well as its Green Committee which works to execute sustainable practices in order to minimize the environmental impact of our events and raise awareness towards climate change."
Erika McRoy
"Head of Artist & Label Marketing Nordics at Spotify, Erika McRoy has a long experience from both Spotify and the music industry. Today she is heading up the Nordic team that's working towards the creators in the Artist and Label marketing team. The team's main purpose is to inform and give artists, labels and managements the tools they need to reach both new and existing fans. Erika joined Spotify in 2011, back when the Spotify App was only available in five territories (compared to 79 markets today). For the past year, Erika has also been part of the team who built Spotify Singles in the Nordics and opened the Spotify studio at the headquarters in Stockholm."
Ilmoittaudu työpajoihin
Music Finlandin kiitelty musiikin synkronointiin ja lisensointiin keskittyvä ohjelmakokonaisuus on osa myös Musiikki & Median 30. juhlavuotta. Tutut Score!- ja Get Synced! -työpajat tuovat Musiikki & Mediassa yhteen musiikkipäälliköt eli music supervisorit, sync agentit, musiikintekijät ja itse musiikin. Suljetuissa työpajoissa musiikin synkronoinnin ammattilaiset kertovat musiikin roolista osana visuaalista mediaa.
Score! -työpaja (torstaina 3.10. klo 15:15–17:15) on tilaisuus, jossa elokuva- ja mediasäveltäjät pääsevät esittäytymään noin kymmenelle music supervisorille eri puolilta maailmaa. Music supervisorit puolestaan kertovat, millaisia työtilauksia heillä on tulossa ja mitä he kaipaavat ja odottavat tilaussäveltäjältä.
Get Synced! -työpajan (perjantaina 4.10. klo 14:30-16:30) osallistujat saavat music supervisoreilta eli musiikkipäälliköiltä ajankohtaiset tehtävänannot (liidit), joihin vastaavaa musiikkia osallistujat pääsevät työpajassa esittelmään musiikkipäälliköille henkilökohtaisesti. Osallistujat saavat musiikkipäälliköiltä palautetta edustamastaan materiaalista ja sen sopivuudesta eri visuaalisen median käyttötarkoituksiin. Workshopista on tullut aikaisempina vuosina useita toteutuneita synkronisointeja.
Molempiin työpajoihin ilmoittaudutaan täältä 18.9. mennessä. Osallistuminen edellyttää Musiikki & Media -tapahtumaan rekisteröitymisen.
Yllä mainittujen lisäksi Music Finland järjestää 2.10. Music Finlandin toimitiloissa Helsingissävientivalmennuksen elokuva- ja mediasäveltäjille otsikolla "Hollywood State of Mind". Helsingissä pidettävässä vientivalmennuksessa paneudutaan elokuvasäveltäjälle oleellisiin verkostoihin ja yhteistyökumppaneihin. Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu täältä.
Get Synced! -työpajan osallistujat saavat music supervisoreilta eli musiikkipäälliköiltä ajankohtaiset tehtävänannot (briiffit), joihin vastaavaa musiikkia osallistujat pääsevät työpajassa esittelmään musiikkipäälliköille henkilökohtaisesti. Osallistujat saavat musiikkipäälliköiltä palautetta edustamastaan materiaalista ja sen sopivuudesta eri visuaalisen median käyttötarkoituksiin. Workshopista on tullut aikaisempina vuosina useita toteutuneita synkronisointeja. Mukaan valituille toimitetaan takemmat ohjeet musiikin etukäteisestä toimittamisesta ja työpajaan valmistautumisesta.
Score! -työpaja on tilaisuus, jossa elokuva- ja mediasäveltäjät pääsevät esittäytymään noin kymmenelle music supervisorille tai sync agentille eri puolilta maailmaa. Music supervisorit puolestaan kertovat, millaisia työtilauksia heillä on tulossa ja mitä he kaipaavat ja odottavat tilaussäveltäjältä. Tilaisuuden intiimi tunnelma mahdollistaa ammattilaisiin tutustumisen.
Hollywood State of Mind -vientivalmennuksessa paneudutaan elokuvasäveltäjälle oleellisiin verkostoihin ja yhteistyökumppaneihin. Los Angelesista elokuva- ja mediasäveltäjiä saapuvat valmentamaan kokeneet Chandler Poling White Bear PR -toimistosta sekä Jeff Jernigan Kraft-Engel Managementista.