Music Finland hakee innovaatioiden ja liiketoiminnan kehittämisen johtajaa
Music Finland hakee musiikkialan raudanlujaa ammattilaista tehtävänimikkeellä ”Innovation and Business Development Executive” (Innovaatioiden ja liiketoiminnan kehittämisen johtaja). Työnhaku paikkaa varten on avoinna nyt, lue englanninkielinen tehtävänkuvaus ja vaatimukset alta.
Haussa oleva Innovation and Business Development Executive on uusi työnimike Music Finlandin henkilöstössä, mutta hakuvaatimuksena on organisaatiomme tehtävissä välttämätön kansainvälisen musiikkialan tuntemus sekä kokemus globaaleille musiikkimarkkinoille suuntautuvista hankkeista.
Innovation and Business Development Executiven tehtävässä kehität suomalaisen musiikin liiketoimintavisiota sekä ja vahvistat sen kansainvälistä kasvua globaalissa toimintaympäristössä toteuttamalla uusia projektejamme ja palvelujamme vakituisessa työsuhteessa. Lue tarkempi tehtävänkuvaus sekä hakuun liittyvät yksityiskohdat alta!
Innovation and Business Development Executive
We are looking for an Innovation and Business Development Executive to join our forward-looking and innovative team. At Music Finland, our goal is to build international success stories for Finnish music.
What we expect:
We’re looking for a passionate, persistent and energetic individual who thinks big and has the ability to recognize exciting opportunities that will enable Finnish music exports to grow internationally. You are a result-oriented and confident team player who thrives in a fast-changing environment and enjoys interaction in different social and cultural settings. You have a genuine passion for music – and you are open to all musical genres.
What we offer:
You will have a unique opportunity to be involved in developing an international business vision for Finnish music and strengthening its growth in a new global operating environment. You will get to develop and implement projects and services in the global music industry setting. You will receive plenty of inspiration from your colleagues and get to work in a supportive and forward-looking work environment on a permanent position.
● Supervisor of an international team and a research manager
● Member of the executive team
Key Tasks:
● Identify new and innovative business opportunities in music export industry
● Advise and guide Finnish music companies and professionals in developing their business both nationally and internationally
● Identify and analyze emerging markets - both geographically, and also in terms of new
platforms, their relevance and the opportunities they present
● Reach challenging new goals, enabling constant development and creating new, fresh perspectives through communication and cooperation
● Identify potential intersections and collaborative links between the core music business and new technologies, from generating initial ideas to implementing new concepts.
In order to succeed in your job, we expect you to have the following competencies and
● Experience of working in the music business or other creative industries
● Comprehensive overview of all the various sectors of the music industry
● Strong understanding of business strategies and internationalization processes, previous involvement in establishing international music business operations
● Extensive global network of leading music businesses and contacts, and an understanding of their strategic interests
● Analytical, research-oriented, forward-thinker with minimum Bachelor's degree or equivalent
● Ability to travel internationally, also on weekends
● Experience of working within a tech start-up / accelerator environment is desirable but not essential
● Proficient in English. Ability to communicate in other languages is an asset
Please send your resume in English or in Finnish and cover letter in English including your salary expectation by March 10th, to The starting date is negotiable.
Further information:
Kaisa Rönkkö, Executive Director
+358 (0)40 867 4216
Telephone enquiries:
Friday February 26, 3-4.30pm EET
Wednesday March 3, 10-12am EET
Friday, March 5, 11-12am EET