Taidemusiikin, erityisesti klassisen musiikin, toimijoille suunnattu virtuaalinen verkostoitumismatka Berliiniin toteutetaan verkkoseminaarien ja -tapaamisten muodossa 9. ja 10. joulukuuta. Mukaan voivat hakea muusikot, säveltäjät ja välittävän portaan toimijat.
Ohjelma koostuu webinaareista, jotka ovat kaikille avoimia sekä verkostoitumistapaamisista, joihin otetaan mukaan rajattu määrä osallistujia. Webinaareissa tutustutaan mm. markkinointi- ja PR-toimintaan klassisen musiikin kentällä Saksassa, ja kuullaan orkestereiden ja muiden konserttijärjestäjien näkökulmia ohjelmistosuunnitteluun.
Puhujiksi ja keskustelijoiksi ovat varmistuneet Anselm Cybinski (Niedersächsische Musiktage), sellisti Eckart Runge, Ina Holthaus (Jenaer Philharmonie), Andreas Richter, Birgit Niemeyer (for artists PR company), kapellimestari Alexander Liebreich,
Alexander Steinbeis (Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlinin entinen johtaja), Angelika Jacob (Konzertdirektion Dr. Rudolf Goette).
Keskiviikko 9.12.
Klo 10–11 Tervetuloa Berliiniin! Birgit Niemeyer (for artists) kertoo esimerkkien avulla klassisen musiikin kentästä Berliinissä. Samalla kaikki matkan osallistujat pääsevät tutustumaan toisiinsa ja Birgitiin. (Avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille.)
Klo 11–12 Muusikko Eckart Runge ja kapellimesteri Alexander Liebreich esittäytyvät (avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille)
Klo 12–13 Pienryhmätapaamisia Eckart Rungen ja Alexander Liebreichin kanssa
Klo 14–14.30 Angelika Jacob (Senior Artist Manager, Konzertdirektion Dr. Rudolf Goette) esittäytyy (avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille)
Klo 14.30–15 Pienryhmätapaamisia Angelica Jacobin kanssa
Klo 15–16 Alexander Steinbeis kertoo Berliinin orkesterikentästä (avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille)
Torstai 10.12.
Klo 10–11 Agentti, konsultti Andreas Richter kertoo orkesterikiertueiden järjestämisestä Saksassa ja orkestereiden kanssa työskentelystä. Kysymyksiä ja keskustelua. (Avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille.)
Klo 11–12 Ina Holthaus (Jeaner Philharmonie) ja Anselm Cybinski (Niedersächsische Musiktage) esittäytyvät. Keskustelua mm. orkestereiden tilanteesta Saksassa sekä näkökulmia ohjelmistosuunnitteluun. (Avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille.)
Klo 12–13 Pienryhmätapaamisia Andreas Richterin, Ina Holthausin ja Anselm Cybinskin kanssa
Klo 14–15 Birgit Niemeyer (for artists): Vinkkejä ja näkökulmia PR- ja markkinointitoimenpiteiden toteuttamiseen Saksassa (avoin kaikille ilmoittautuneille)
Pienryhmätapaamisiin hakeneiden tapaamistoiveet pyritään toteuttamaan mahdollisimman hyvin. Koska vieraiden aikaa on kuitenkin käytettävissä rajallisesti, ovat tapaamisissa etusijalla hakijoiden ensisijaiset toiveet ja heidän kansainvälistymissuunnitelmiinsa parhaiten sopivat kontaktit. Vahvistamme toteutuvat pienryhmätapaamiset niihin valituille viimeistään tiistaina 8.12. Jokaisen kaikille avoimen session yhteydessä on myös mahdollisuus esittää kysymyksiä ja kommentteja.
Virtual Berlin - Speaker bios
Eckart Runge
Eckart Runge bridges the gap between the great classical repertoire and popular music forms such as jazz, rock, pop, tango and film music in a way that is unique to the world of classical music. With thirty years of experience as founding member of the internationally renowned Artemis Quartet and celebrating his 25th season with the Runge & Ammon Duo, touring both established music halls and clubs, his work is connected to the ‘late Beethoven’ as well as to the music of Jimi Hendrix, Chick Corea and Miles Davis.
Alexander Liebreich
Alexander Liebreich held the position of Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR) from 2012 until the end of the 2018-2019 season. In 2018 he took over as Artistic Director of the Richard Strauss Festival in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, opening the first edition in June 2018 with Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin and the Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Next to that he was elected head of the Richard-Strauss-Society, following Wolfgang Sawallisch and Brigitte Fassbaender in this position. Alexander continues as the Artistic Director until 2023. In addition, Liebreich was Artistic Director of the festival “Katowice Kultura Natura” from 2015 – 2018, as well as held the position of Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Munich Chamber Orchestra from 2006 – 2016.
Angelika Jacob
Angelica Jacobs spent her childhood in Hanover, with the piano as a constant companion. This time was followed by a degree in applied cultural sciences in Lüneburg. Her stay abroad in Wales was finalized with a Bachelor in Communication Studies, and the Master’s degree at home was not long in coming. Jacob then worked at the EXPO 2000 in Hanover before she became an artist manager at Impresariat Simmenauer, where she spent ten years. During this time she discovered her love for the string quartet, which today - as an agent of five string quartets - is again an important part of her professional life. In May 2010, the mother of two began to revive the long agency tradition of Konzertdirektion Goette and rebuilt it as a small, fine “boutique agency”.
Andreas Richter
Andreas Richter founded Andreas Richter Cultural Consulting in 2013. Previously, he had worked with great success as Managing Director of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO), as Intendant of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra (MCO), and as Director of Communications and Concert Activities at the Komische Oper in Berlin. For both the DSO and the MCO, he raised the orchestras’ profiles in the areas of education and development, and established both groups as unmistakable names on the international orchestral scene. In addition, Richter has taught seminars, written for various publications and served in several juries. Since 2013, he has been Artistic Director for the concert activities of the Esterházy Foundation.
Anselm Cybinski
Since 2014 Anselm Cybinski has been the Executive Director at the Munich Chamber Orchestra (MNO). In 2019 he also took over the Artistic Director role of Niedersächische Musiktagen. Cybinski studied violin in Cologne and has worked as an Orchestra musician. He played seven years in the Osnabrücker Symphony Orchestra. At the same time he also worked as a cultural journalist. From 2005 to 2010 Cybinski worked in PR at ECM Records, after which he became Executive Producer Sony Classical International.
Ina Holthaus
Since 2018 Ina Holthaus has been the Orchestra director of Jenaer Philharmonie. Before that she worked as Orchestra Manager for Theatre Coburg. In addition, Holthaus has an extensive background in concert production and has acquired a degree in Musicology as well as Business Administration.
Alexander Steinbeis
Alexander Steinbeis grew up in Germany and the UK. After studying management and arts administration in London, Paris, Oxford and Berlin, he was engaged in 1999 by Seiji Ozawa as Assistant Artistic Administrator for artistic planning for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, where he worked until 2005. In 2007 Steinbeis became the youngest Orchestra Director in Berlin, bringing in his expertise in business administration and management, as well as his understanding of classical music. He was the Director of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO) for 13 years.
Birgit Niemeyer
Birgit Niemeyer has been working in the classical music business in various positions since 2003, including agencies, concert organizers and festivals. She joined for artists in 2008 and has worked for musicians such as Jordi Savall, Christina Pluhar, Lise de la Salle, Isabelle Faust, Quartetto di Cremona and many more.