Spring 2017: The latest works in Music Finland sheet music library

Are you looking for new repertoire? The Music Finland Sheet Music Library distributes a large amount of unpublished works by Finnish contemporary composers. New works are received continuously, listed below are examples of some of the latest works available.

You can find composer profiles with lists of works, audio and video samples, and free sheet music samples at the Composers & Repertoire website.

Place your order at the site or contact us directly at musiclibrary@musicfinland.fi

New works distributed by Music Finland

Antti Auvinen: Twelve Fn Kies
for Moog and Big Band
This work by Teosto-awarded composer Antti Auvinen was performed at a shopping centre in Helsinki city center during Musica nova Helsinki in February. As informed at the festival website, this “multi-level, rhythmically pulsating work operates with the meaning of space both in its performing venues but also in leaving space – freedom and openness – for the soloist and orchestra. The Moog synthesizer played by Kari Ikonen is the focus of each of the 12 movements of this concerto composed in close collaboration with the soloist.”

Marina Kostik: Musiikkimuodot – keitä he ovat?
for piano
A pedagogic suite of five small pieces for piano by Marina Kostik, one of the latest composers to join Music Finland’s catalogue. 

Timothy Page: Hypha
for piano and violin
This duo for piano and violin by Timothy Page is to be performed “with impeccable rhythm and danceable groove, but dynamically and timbrally capricious”. Credit card is needed not only to purchase the score but also for producing percussive sounds with piano’s strings inside the instrument.

Sauli Zinovjev: A Due
for flute and guitar
According to Sauli Zinovjev, background of this duet is in the mystical Japan nature. Inspired by texts of Japanese author Haruki Murakami and Finnish poet Sirkka Turkka, A Due observes the present – straying, pausing and confronting. 

Roope Mäenpää: Ja täällä sataa lunta
for clarinet and string quartet
Ja täällä sataa lunta (“And it is snowing here”) was commissioned by ensemble TampereRaw for the memory concert of composer Jouni Kaipainen (1956–2016). Roope Mäenpää was Kaipainen’s student. In addition to composing classical music this young composer has composed numerous theatre productions and video pieces, and he also works actively as a musician.

Ilari Kaila: Taonta
for piano
Ilari Laakso’s work Taonta for solo piano consist of five different movements. The entire work was premiered last December in Berlin by Finnish pianist Emil Holmström

Recently published works by Finnish classical and contemporary music publishers

Did you know that Music Finland is also collecting published works by Finnish composers? These works are not on sale at our sheet music library but at the Composers & Repertoire site you can find information on published works too. Of some of them there are even sheet music samples available online. Of others, there is a printed score for browsing at Music Finland’s office in Helsinki.

For example, these published works have recently been added to Music Finland’s sheet music library:

Kalevi Aho: 19 Preludes for Piano
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman

Max Savikangas: Extrasolar
for viola and piano
Publisher: Uusinta Publishing Company

Jean Sibelius: The Trees
Orchestral arrangement of Cinq morceaux pour piano
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman

Tuulia Tuovinen: ColourClarinet
Publisher: Fennica Gehrman