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Oulu Music Video Festival starts on Wednesday

Oulu Music Video Festival takes place this year on August 21-25. This year the festival celebrates its 20th edition, and the festival received a record-breaking number of music videos, in total 386, taking part in the competition for the music video of the year award. All the music videos will be screened during the festival.
Special screenings are also an important part of the festival program, which focus on different themes, for example ”Minimal music videos”, ”YouTube hits and internet phenomena” and ”The perfect Sunday videos”.
The festival attracts annually approximately 12,000 visitors.
Festival music video picks
Femme En Fourrure - Pretty Boy (Dir. Miikka Lommi)
Lau Nau - Kuoleman tappajan kuolema (Dir. Sami Sänpäkkilä)
Noah Kin - 822 (Dir. Taito Kawata)
Sans Parade - The Last Song is a Love Song (Dir. Elli Vuorinen & Jani Lehto)
Sin Cos Tan - History (Dir. Juho Risto Aukusti Lähdesmäki)