News from Helsinki to take Finnish jazz and pop-rock talent to Russia

This year, the Finnish-Russian music export and networking event News from Helsinki will take the music professionals and showcase bands to two major Russian metropoles: St Petersburg and Moscow. Another improvement is that for the first time, the Finnish jazz scene is represented alongside the rock/pop industry.
News from Helsinki – Finnish-Russian Seminar and Export Days is a continuation of the series of events that have taken place in Russia already for around ten years. The event showcases Finnish artists, brings Finnish and Russian music professionals together for networking, and provides up-to-date information about the Russian music market for the Finnish participants. This year’s edition, held 4-7 December, takes to Russia altogether six Finnish showcase bands and several music business professionals.
4th of December is the St Petersburg day, featuring a seminar as well as a get-together and cocktail at the Finnish institute. The evening continues at two clubs: the established jazz venue JFC will display the Finnish jazz acts, while the pop/rock showcase gig takes place at Club Zoccolo. The two-day Moscow part, taking place 5-6 December, starts with a Finnish-Russian music panel discussion. 5 December is the jazz night at Alexey Kozlov Club, whereas on 6 December all the fans of the Finnish pop/rock are being invited to Sixteen Tons.
This year’s showcase bands represent a wide range of up-to-date Finnish music. The acts chosen to the jazz showcase are Kari Ikonen Trio, Tonight at Noon and Kalle Kalima & K-18. The pop/rock showcase will feature Aino Venna, Big Wave Riders and Tundramatiks.
News from Helsinki 2012 (in Russian)
Aino Venna
Big Wave Riders
Kari Ikonen Trio on Soundcloud
Tonight at Noon on Facebook
Kalle Kalima & K-18