Jesse Markin's "Folk" wins this year’s Teosto Prize

The 2020 Teosto Prize was awarded to Jesse Markin’s and Totte Rautiainen’s compositions and lyrics for Jesse Markin's solo debut album "FOLK".  

The jury described the album FOLK as follows: "The excellent songs and perceptively explored themes successfully combine different influences and styles. The album is a balanced, high-quality work that was skillfully made and carries the listener from the beginning to the end, able to do anything."
Alongside "FOLK", this year's six other nominees were: "Hattarahiukset" by Sur-rur, the eponymous debut album by Lehtojärven Hirvenpää, "Näytän missä asun" by the artist M, "...On Escher" by Sami Klemola, "Syrtti" by OK:KO and "To Sappho" by Signe.

The jury also wanted to highlight Signe’s collection of works "To Sappho", in which the jury heard originality and inventiveness worthy of an honourable mention. 

The five-person jury selected the winner Yle’s Creative Director Ville Vilén was the Chairman of the jury, with other jury members conductor Dalia Stasevska, last year’s Teosto Prize winners, composer Sebastian Hilli and Stina Koistinen and Nicolas ’Leissi’ Rehn from Color Dolor. 

Teosto established the prize in 2003 with the aim of promoting creative Finnish music. The prize – which is funded by composers, music authors and music publishers represented by Teosto – seeks to highlight bold, original and innovative Finnish musical works. This year, the prize was awarded for the 17th time.
The prize is awarded to between one and four works or collections of works, and the maximum amount of prize money is EUR 40,000. Awarded since 2003, the Teosto Prize is one of the most noteworthy art prizes in the Nordic countries. The prize is awarded to between one and four works or collections of works, and the maximum amount of prize money is EUR 40,000. If the prize is awarded to one work, the amount is EUR 25,000.

Watch a video of Jesse Markin and Totte Rautiainen receiving the award and performing live.


Jesse Markin: FOLK

Vild Music, 2019