Jazz & Fly Fishing

“But if it’s just a show about jazz and fly fishing? Who cares about jazz, who cares about fly fishing? But you care about some morons trying their best…”
Jazz & Fly Fishing is a jazz quartet and a fly fishing community of Joona Toivanen (piano), Tapani Toivanen (bass), Håvard Stubo (guitar) and Fredrik Hamrå (drums). It’s also a surrealistic film of a jazz band of fly fishermen touring in the northern Scandinavia.
"Our first tour was an intense experience. With two cameramen and a soundguy following us like a shadow, we toured Finland, Sweden and Norway, playing gigs on everything from big festivals to desolate arctic hilltops. We fished some of the finest waters in Scandinavia, and our trusty J&FF-mobile took a severe beating from the 10.000 miles of road covered. An interesting discovery was that after some weeks of touring, jazz and fly fishing started to intertwine completely to the point where I started mixing up whether we were going fishing or playing. It felt a bit like that weird state when you’re half asleep and can’t tell what‘s real and what‘s part of the dream. I was in love", Håvard Stubø describes their experience of the tour.
Click here to see a teaser of the document.