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Finnish music on the rise in the UK

In 2012-2013, the United Kingdom was the focus market for Finnish music. To that end, we created the Music Finland UK Initiative with the clear objectives of increasing the export volume and exposure of Finnish music in the UK.
During the initiative, Music Finland focused on giving the Finnish music industry an extra push in the UK by providing financial and promotional support, creating networking opportunities and developing industry know-how. The aim was to create long-lasting connections and platforms that will continue to thrive in the years to come.
With 73 Finnish artists, bands, orchestras, songwriters, composers and music products introduced to the UK market, 52 Finnish companies developing their businesses in the territory, and wide press coverage with more than 1300 hits for Finnish music in prominent British media, there is no doubt the initiative was a success.
The UK including Ireland is Finland’s third biggest export territory, after the Nordic countries and German-speaking Europe, according to the Finnish Music Export Market Research 2011-2012. Eleven percent of total music exports were targeted towards the UK in 2011-2012. During this initiative, the Finnish industry gained a significant amount of new connections in the region and signed over 40 UK specific contracts.
Key Results and figures of the Music Finland UK 2012–2013 iniative
- 73 Finnish artists, bands, songwriters, composers, orchestras and music products were introduced to the UK market
- 52 Finnish music companies from all sectors of the music industry developed their businesses in the territory through the export programmes
- 1349 hits for Finnish music across 429 different media outlets, including online, print, radio and TV. The amount of hits increased with 69% between 2012 and 2013.
- Estimated total value of media coverage is £579,000
- The UK initiative’s live performances reached over 48,800 people in Great Britain
- The Finnish companies that took part in the UK initiative significantly strengthened their networks. On average, each company gained 13 new business contacts in the UK. Music Finland gained approximately 200 new key industry contacts in the UK
- A qrowth with 8% in Finnish music exports to the UK between 2011 and 2012. The market value in 2013 and subsequent years will be explored in future studies
- Over 40 new contracts were signed by Finnish companies involved in the UK initiative. These include for instance three recording contracts, five publishing agreements, eight distribution deals, nine agency agreements and five PR/press contracts.
- 118 British guests visited 14 Finnish music events during the two-year period. Of the 93 companies represented, 66 were music industry businesses and 27 media
In this report, we’ll show you what was done and achieved and how the results will be followed up.